Online Service Program in the Market

Online service program is a requirement.

There is a high competition among the service programs used in the market. However, this competition is distinguished by a measurable difference, when compared. ServisSoft is a cloud software that uses a SaaS (Software As A Service) among other online software programs. You can request a 30-day demo after reviewing our packages at ServisSoft, which eliminates your dependence on desktop programs. Our sales representatives will contact you soon after your application.

There are over 9000 services in the market and more than 100,000 service stations. There are companies providing services for several local production centers. The sector reaches nearly half a million in total with its producers and employees. In existing infrastructures, system follow-up can only be done with desktop programs that require extra paperwork. Additionally, by transferring to the cloud database, these systems cause great a burden for the company. Because of the high software costs, small businesses choose to use neither online nor desktop programs. Working with the photocopied paper is impossible to handle. The low-cost software cannot meet the needs of the small businesses.

Service packages assigned depending on the company scales.

With the software we have prepared, we introduce the cloud infrastructure to small businesses at affordable prices. With 7 different additional modules, companies can expand their software usage with a rent-pay structure.

Medium-sized companies are provided with additional xls, xlsx, pdf and other report formats. Employees’ daily, weekly and monthly reports can be obtained and forwarded. Through these reports, new roadmaps can be drawn in the advance for future operations. In a future recruitment process, former reports are open to examination beforehand for determining the type of employee needed.

Large-scale businesses can benefit from the software in elaboration. These companies contact their clients with call center via our software. With the sub-services located in any region in Turkey, these companies are provided with extensive workflow. By enabling inbound malfunction reports, they can go through bug fixes of new productions for the R&D process. A social Monitoring feature we developed, provides the brands with instant access to complaints about social media via our software. They are able to provide service in the area where the complaint comes from.


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