Create Service Registry

ServisSoft Portal enables your customers to request a service registration anytime.

Service Tracking

Your customers can track their device status without engaging with you or your employees.

Corporate View

Your customers can only view your brand information and logo.

ServisSoft Portal

ServiceSoft Portal is a module that enables your clients to monitor their devices in service and to request for on-site service. By operating in parallel with the system, it allows your clients to request a service, access service records history, and view their current service statuses. They can ask questions and receive an answer via the Portal. Your customers may create an entire service registry even before delivering you their product and track the progress through this record. Via Portal, your customers can create a work order and track it from a fully web-based module 7/24. IT executives, site administrators or on-site service providers get requests from customers on a single screen and ensure their clients’ online service tracking by removing phonecalls.
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