Simplified Work Order

To explain a simplified work order process, we need to properly cover the underlying logic of the work order. Basically, the work order is considered as the beginning of all the operations performed even though each sector differs from one another. At the beginning of the work process, you are expected to write down the actions that need to be taken. Required information and materials are collected during this process.

Information received during this phase to start a simplified work order:

For electronic devices such as televisions, home appliances, medical devices and mobile phones:

  • Information on serial number, brand, model, production date and sales invoice of the device
  • If the device received by cargo, the dispatch list number, the name of the person receiving the delivery, the received accessory information
  • The cause of fault stated by the customer
  • Information of the detected fault stated by the technician
  • Photos and video recording of the device if necessary
  • Notes on device and customer
  • Notes for repairs done by a technician
  • Address directions on Google Maps in case the process requires an external service
  • If the appliance is carried out at the repair site, it is necessary to record information listed above and the spare parts that the technician should take with them.

When a simple job order is opened, the process should be as quick and simple as possible. It is very important that this information is received on a regular basis to ensure that customers, especially those who are in a hurry or on a call-center basis, can save time. Requesting detailed information from a customer who has been in a queue for a long time and has a former issue with your company will make things difficult.

Try to Make the Process Easier for Your Clients

To make the task simple, try to collect information as quickly and simply as you can during the order. If your customer has received service before, you can verify their details by street name and apartment number instead of verifying by phone. Also, when confirming your customer’s phone number, you only need to verify the last four digits instead of the full phone number. If you have a serial number in your hand, your work will be easier. But if your customer refuses to give you a serial number, do not force them to do that. Begin processing as quickly as possible by taking general information about the product (if available, brand and model codes).

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